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Oktana corp.
Servicios de Tecnologías de la Información
Software de aplicación
Oktana is a custom software development company specializing in Salesforce technologies.
We are looking for Golang developers to join our global team to work with U.S. customers across a variety of projects.
Qualifications 5+ years software development experience 2+ years of Golang experience Knowledge of code development theory and SDLC best practices Willing to put in the extra time and effort to continuously train and grow your skill set Energetic, able to build and sustain positive relationships across a multitude of stakeholders in a fast-paced, global work environment Experience working within the Agile Methodology Strong English verbal and written communication skills Bachelor´s degree in Computer Science or IT required
Full time
80.000 a 100.000
01 - Tecnologías de la Información
Desarrollo de software y aplicaciones, sistemas, testing, ingeniería en computación, telecomunicaciones, informática, robótica, videojuegos y animación.
Inglés: Avanzado